We pursue this vision of moving primarily by shifting the paradigm from one of scarcity to one of Sustainable Abundance in the individuals, organizations and communities with whom we work.
In this spirit, Seven Stones offers a new worldview that we want your help to create: one wide enough and deep enough to heal a planet; one generative enough to build a new model for doing business and defining success; one far-reaching enough to generate new metrics and a new economics; and one solid enough to allow people to experience deeply the truth of who they are.
We aim to immerse our program participants, clients and partners in a totally new experience-the feeling that fills you when you allow scarcity to give way to abundance, whether in your home or in your place of work.
We call this experience the Seven Stones of Sustainable Abundance: respect, love, courage, truth, opportunity, wisdom and clarity. Each stone rests on and supports the others to transform how we see our fellow human beings, our organizations, the natural world and ourselves. Courage overcomes fear; love and respect dissolve contempt and disregard; truth exposes dishonesty; opportunity opens closed minds; and clarity and wisdom reveal a better way forward.