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I Belong. Period. Full stop. That is law number 3 of The 7 Laws of Enough.

We have been challenged during the pandemic to recognize the truth of this law. It has become hard over the past few months to know where to belong, particularly if you have not been able to see your family, neighbors or friends and especially if you, on top of being socially distant, have been furloughed or laid off from work. 

Some of us are essential workers, a kind of belonging I guess. Yet many of us essential workers are being ill-treated and are fearful of catching the virus at work and bringing it home to our families. 

There are those of us who have been diagnosed with COVID 19—we have been home sick or hospitalized, some of us feeling stigmatized and separate, as if somehow having the disease means we don’t belong anywhere. 

On the flip side, some of us have begun to recognize something we have been saying all along: we are all deeply and completely interwoven. We live in great need of each other’s comfort, each other’s labor, each other’s kindness and each other’s resources. 

We, Jen and Gina, have taken this time to reflect on what it means to belong and what community and connection mean during this time of crisis and as we move forward into an uncertain future.

This crisis has allowed us to do something we have been thinking about in different ways for a very long time. We have, as a business, experimented with virtual offerings, such as classes, online workshops, community calls, blogging, monthly themes and developing an online learning community. 

Then it dawned on us: we could put it all in one place. Excitement took hold. We felt alive and open. Creativity started to flow. Not a bad moment to have mid-pandemic!

So, we have done just that. Starting today, you will be able to walk your path of learning with others by joining us in our new online Community. You will be able to create learning outcomes, share it with others and focus on the capacities that speak to you in this moment. Some of it will be live. Some of it will be self-reflection. Some will be in small groups of your choosing. 

Even right now, maybe especially right now, we get to tap into something truly incredible: human spirit and ingenuity in action. 

Holy moly can you feel it?

We need each other. It’s not metaphorical. It’s not intellectual. It’s mammalian. It’s how we are made. IT is real.  

“Community is a tapestry of the individuals and groups making up our lives as social beings.” Come join our community. You belong here.

We offer this community at no cost. Check us out. Ask questions. Join us. You’ll know if this is right for you!


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